
Change menu date

Last Revised: 03/09/10

The Dynamo Tools menu system supports 9 user-defined dates.  CDS900 is used to change one of those dates.

The session control variable Y$ contains the following date related fields.

Date Fields Usage
Y.DATE$ The user-defined date in MM/DD/YY format
Y.JDATE The user-defined date in julian format
DATEINDEX The user-defined date index.  If zero, then the system date is used.  Values of 1 to 9 indicate a user-defined date.  The DATEINDEX fields is specified using Menu Maintenance (SMU) for each menu code.

The dates are stored in XXDD00.DATES[9] Company Information file.

CDS900 may be RUN or CALLed.  If RUN, it is typically attached to a Dynamo Tools menu.

Calling Format:


CDS900 Arguments
Argument Passed To/From Description
Y$ To Session Control Variable
TITLE$ To Optional Description of date, i.e., Accounts Payable Period Ending Date, Accounts Receivable Deposit Date, etc.  Only applicable when CDS900 is called.