
Post message to Log File

Last Revised: 10/21/13

This program can be used to post a message to a log file.

For applications running in bbj, the message is posted to the BBJ Debug log which is typically named /u/basis/bbj/log/Debug.log.YYYY-MM-DD.N.  You can easily display this log using the Basis Enterprise Manager or by logging directly into the server.  This log file is rotated and purged automatically by bbj services.

For bbx background tasks started with the Dynamo Tools background script, the message is added to the $SMSDIR/log/bkg file.  The default log file name can be overridden by an argument passed to the background script. On linux servers, the default log file is rotated by the standard linux log rotation utility.

For bbx background tasks not started with the Dynamo Tools background script, the message will be sent to standard out which is typically re-directed to a user specified log file.

This program is useful when debugging bbj stored procedures, triggers, and bbx background tasks.  The Dynamo Tools error routine calls CDS186 to record error information that occur in bbj background tasks.

If called from a bbx foreground task, no logging occurs, and CDS186 exits silently.

The date, time, process ID, workspace program name, and operator ID are also added to the log, so this information does not need to be included in MSG$.

Calling Format:


CDS186 Arguments
Argument Passed To/From Description
MSG$ To Optional message to be appended to the log file
CALL "CDS186","CC="+Y.COMPCODE$+", Item#="+ITEMNO$+", Cust#="+CUSTNO$+", Date="+DAT$+", Qty="+STR(QTY)
Fri Feb 19 16:25:46 PID=12345 Prog=IM610SP User=vizion
CC=ME, Item#=1701, Cust#=5506, Date=, Qty=1